Our policy for school uniform is to help children feel part of the school community and to avoid the pressures and expense of continually changing fashions in clothes. The school uniform is basically NAVY in colour and consists of :
Navy blue school sweatshirt
Navy or black trousers or navy shorts
Navy skirts or tunics
White or pale blue shirts, blouses, or polo shirts
Navy polo shirts with school logo
Blue/white check or striped dress
Black, brown or blue shoes
School sweatshirts and polo shirts can be purchased online at MyClothing, using the button above.
Second-hand school uniform is available and may be purchased via the Friends of Swainswick School.
There are many opportunities at Swainswick for the children to work and play outside. So please can you make sure that they have a warm, named waterproof coat in school each day, even if you drive to school and they don’t need to wear one to travel to school.
They will have a peg with their name on in the cloakroom for their coat and PE bag
PE kit
This needs to be brought into school and kept on your child’s peg all the time. It is just taken home for washing at the end of each term. Each child needs :
Navy shorts
A polo shirt in your child's house colour (available from MyClothing - link above)
Plimsolls (daps) or trainers
Navy tracksuit or navy jogging trousers for outside games
A navy sweatshirt to be kept in the PE bag and only used for PE
If your child wears tights for school, she will need spare socks in her PE bag too
Embroidered PE bags and T-shirts can also be ordered from MyClothing, using the button above.