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Rouen's presentation on 'Kodomo no hi' festival (children's festival)

As you are aware, this week's cultural focus is on Japan. As part of this celebration, we were all very lucky indeed to listen to Rouen's presentation on the 'Kodomo no hi' festival' - (children's day). It was an absolute delight! Rouen did an excellent job teaching the school about the festival. In addition, Rouen's family Hitomi, Oliver and Ari were able to help answer the children's questions about life in Japan.

As a result, the school is now planning to participate in Japan's 'Tanabata Star Festival' in July. This is where the children will write their wishes and dreams on small ribbons of paper and tie them to decorative branches. We will then burn the branches at forest school and send our dreams towards the stars - (so that they can come true).


“She has really benefited from the different ages mixing, she often talks of the older children.

We feel all the staff know her, which is so special.” 

—  Name, Title

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