Welcome to Hazel Class
(Year 2 and 3)
Our topic
Our topic this term is 'Let's go to China'. This topic will flow through our wider curriculum, which aims to inspire and engage learners. For more information, see the topic map below.
Our class book this term is 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman.
Hazel Class Team
In Hazel Class, Miss Hitchcock is the class teacher and we are supported by Mrs Tiller (TA and Teacher) in the mornings and Mr Rouse for PE on a Friday morning.​
Your child will be given the opportunity to change their book each day during our guided reading session. Guided reading throughout the week will involve independent reading, group reading and guided reading with a teacher in a small group.
Reading at home
At home we ask that you listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Please record the date and title of the book in their reading record book when you read with them. Reading at home with (and to) your child has a hugely positive impact on their confidence and progress, so thank you for all your continued support with this.
If you are able to give any time towards reading with the children in school yourself, please do let us know, as it would be really appreciated.
Here are some recommended reads for each year group!
Home work
Children will be set homework every Friday, which will be due the following Thursday. We use the Collin’s revision books to set homework, which will be based on the children’s learning in the week. It is a good opportunity for the children to consolidate their learning, and for them to share their learning with you.
Each week your child will be sent home a list of spellings. They will need to practice the spellings (which are taken from the National Curriculum and the spelling rules we have been learning during the week) at home. They will then have a short weekly test to check their progress, every Friday. The spelling sheet is to help you practise at home with your child and is not going to be marked. Children do not have to use the sheets, they may prefer a different way to memorise their spellings such as mnemonics, spelling patterns or even singing!
PE and Forest school
PE will take place on Fridays with Mr Rouse. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit and trainers to school on these days.
Forest school will also take place on Fridays. Specific forest school dates will be announced soon!
Uniform and Coats
Please ensure that all of your child’s belongings have name labels on. In the summer, we ask that the children bring a hat to school during the hot weather and as we enter the cooler and wetter months, please can children bring a coat to school.
Water bottles and Fruit Snacks
Please provide your child with a named water bottle each day so that they can readily access water whenever they need it. This is especially important during the summer.
Thank you for your continued support of the healthy snacks rule. We also provide a piece of fruit for every child in the afternoon. Please remember NO NUTS for snacks or lunches.
Guinea pigs
We are very lucky to have Oreo and Kit-Kat, our class pets! Our guinea pigs are very important to us and have many benefits, including: teaching us empathy and compassion, developing responsibility, reducing anxiety and improving self-esteem. ​
During the holidays, we would like to offer the opportunity for the children to take them home. If this is something you are interested in, please let us know. Also, we welcome any donations for food or bedding.
Helpful links and documents
Year 1/2 Common Exception Words
Year 3/4 Common Exception Words
Bitesize - for revision of all topics
Topmarks - interactive games and resources to support learning
Times Table Rock Stars - interactive games to learn times tables