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Bath & Wells Multi-Academy Trust


Swainswick Church School is an academy within the Bath & Wells Multi-Academy Trust (BWMAT).


For more information about the trust, and contact details - see our specific BWMAT page.  


The MAT governance structure includes members, and a board of Trustees who are responsible for the strategic direction of the whole trust. The Local Governing Committee at the individual school level is responsible for the individual scheme. 


Within the BWMAT, there is a scheme of delegation which clearly sets out what decision making is delegated to the LGC and school, and which decisions remain at the trust level.




Responsibilities of the Governors on the Local Governing Board


The LGC has a largely strategic role, deciding what the school wants to achieve, setting and reviewing targets, and acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher.


The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, day-to-day management and control of the school, and reporting to governors on the delivery of the objectives agreed within the school’s development plan.


The governors and Headteacher work together in partnership to develop the key policies for the school and to decide which decisions are reserved to the governors, which are shared between the governors and Headteacher, or delegated to the Headteacher.  The principal areas of responsibility are reflected in the sub-committees listed below.


All Governors sign the BWMAT Governors Code of Conduct.


In 2017, the Governing Committee and the School developed and consulted on a Three Year Strategic Plan to detail Swainswick's Journey to 2020. You can read more about this plan and how it was used on the Vision and Values Page.

We have reviewed the success of the 2017-2020 strategy and will be publishing our new strategic plan early in 2022.




In accordance with government recommendations the membership of the governing body is widely drawn to reflect the various aspects of school life and to represent a balance of interested parties, comprising : –


  • 2 x Parent Governors. Parent Governors are usually parents of children at the school. Most are elected by the parents. If not enough parents stand for election, the governing body can appoint an individual to the position.

  • 2 x Staff Governors.  Headteacher, plus one staff Governor.

  • 2 x Foundation Governors. One Foundation Governor is appointed by the Diocese of Bath and Wells Board on the nominations from Swainswick and Woolley Parochial Church Council.

  • BWMAT Appointed Governors. These governors are appointed by the BWMAT with input from the governing body. This is on the basis of the skills they can bring to support the effective governance and success of the school.

  • The Clerk of Governors.  Not a Governor as such, the Clerk is a paid administrator appointed to assist Governors in fulfilling their duties.


The usual term of office, that is, how long governors are expected to serve on the board is four years for all types of governor. The governing body can, however, determine the term of office for governors to be less than four years.


Governing Committee Structure

The Governing Committee structure at Swainswick was reviewed in Autumn 2021, to ensure that it aligned to the updated BWMAT Scheme of Delegation.


The committee structure is as follows, and all committees have been mapped to the scheme of delegation for clarity of purpose and responsibility.


















Swainswick Church School Local Governing Committee (LGC)

The LGC takes a strategic role avoiding routine involvement in operational matters, acts as a critical friend to the school and is accountable for its decisions – specifically:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, strategic direction and Christian distinctiveness

  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent 

Safeguarding is a standard agenda item and it is reported on at every LGC



Resources & Pay Committee

•    Overseeing financial performance and making sure money is well spent 

•    Monitor, and review all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the school premises and grounds, security and Health and Safety.

•    Ensure the school is staffed sufficiently for the fulfilment of the school’s development plan and the effective operation of the school.

•    Holding the headteacher to account for the performance management of staff

•    Responsible for determining pay progression of all school based staff 

•    Approves and supports restructuring of school-based posts (not Headteacher)

•    Monitors terms and conditions, pay grades, roles and contracts to ensure they do not deviate from Trust standards


Standards Committee

•    Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils 

•    Monitor and evaluate: 

o    Curriculum intent, progression, implementation and impact.

o    rates of progress and standards of achievement by pupils, including any 

o    underachieving groups.

o    the impact of quality of teaching on rates of pupil progress and standards of 

o    achievement 

o    Special Educational Needs, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities 

o    Pupil Premium, ‘narrowing the Gap’, and Sport Premium and ensure their 

o    effective implementation. 

o    the impact of continuing professional development of improving staff performance. 


Ethos Committee

•    Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Schools vision, values and ethos

•    Consider the extent to which the school intentionally embeds it’s Christian values, and the impact on Christian distinctiveness. 

•    Monitor and evaluate impact of the school’s communications; ensuring it is aligned to the Trust’s key messages and promotes the voice of parents, staff, and pupils. 


Further detailed information on the structure and function of the Local Governing Committee at Swainswick Church School, its Committees and their Terms of Reference is detailed in this document: Swainswick LGC Structure and Responsibilities, and it's appendix: Swainswick Committees mapped to the scheme of delegation.



Governors at Swainswick welcome constructive comments which may help them to improve the strategic direction of the school. We ask that this is done by letter or email addressed to the Chair of Governors and sent to the school office. It is not the role of the governors to respond individually to these comments but they will be taken into account when discussions are held.



Committee Membership, Register of Pecuinary/Business Interests & Attendance, 

Screenshot 2021-12-06 at 11.37.12.png

Paula Malone

Co Chair of Governors

BWMAT Appointed Governor


Paula and her daughter joined the Swainswick family in 2018.


Paula is an educator and sustainability consultant who is passionate about helping schools decarbonise and empowering pupils and school staff to take action on climate issues.


In her free time she loves swimming, walks among trees and along cliffs, making stuff, trying to keep her houseplants from dying, and cuddling with her two furry purries and her one crazy dog.

Kelly Preston

Parent Governor



Jess Price

Co Chair of Governors

BWMAT Appointed Governor


Jess has two children at Swainswick, and has lived with her family in Bath for over ten years.


Jess became a Governor in July 2022 because she is passionate about the incredible environment the school offers to its pupils and wants to play a role in the wonderful school community. 


Jess works in the charity sector and has worked primarily in international development over the past 15 years.


Jess will bring her professional experience in governance, finance and operational strategy to the role, as well as her passion for encouraging the children at Swainswick to be citizens of the world.  


Parent Governor


Nominations to be approved at LGC Dec 2022.

Helen Roberts

Foundation Governor Safeguarding Governor


"I have lived in the valley for almost 30 years, first, in Woolley and then, from 1993  in Upper Swainswick. Although we did live abroad for a few years during that time.


I am an active member of St. Mary’s Church and sit on the PCC for Swainswick with Woolley. As a community we are very privileged to have an active village school and I am passionate about growing the close links between the school, the Church and the Community.


I have recently retired from the NHS having worked as a Health Visitor for many years. Since 2008 I became the specialist nurse for safeguarding and child protection within the community in B&NES. I worked with the statutory and voluntary agencies and gained valuable experience in Safeguarding which I can put to use in the school."


Foundation Governor

Governors who have served on the Governing Board in the last 12 months


Shannon Carr-Shand - BWMAT Appointed Governor until 31.08.2023

Rich Watts - BWMAT Appointed Governor until 31.08.2023

Sarah Charles Staff Governor until 31.08.2023

Sacha Taylor -BWMAT appointed Governor until 31.08.2023




“She has really benefited from the different ages mixing, she often talks of the older children.

We feel all the staff know her, which is so special.” 

—  Name, Title

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