Pupil Premium
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Pupil premium is allocated to schools for pupils who are either:
eligible for free school meals at any time in the last 6 years
children in care
children of armed service personnel
Schools have freedom to spend this money in any way they choose to raise the attainment and meet the emotional and social needs of these pupils. There is a requirement for schools to publish online information about how this sum of money was spent and how it impacted on attainment during the last academic year, and how the money will be spent over the current academic year.
Parents: your child could be eligible for £1,345 in extra funding per year if you qualify for Pupil Premium. If you qualify via Free School Meals, you need to apply for this actively from Reception onwards, even though their lunch is free at this point. If you don't apply, your child is not visible in the system when Pupil Premium funding is allocated. Please visit the Food and drink page to find out more.
The document below explains what the Pupil Premium is, how it was spent and the impact that it has on the learning and well-being of those children who are eligible.