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At Swainswick Primary, our children are encouraged to look closely at the world around them and develop a deep understanding of people, places and cultures. Our geography curriculum is exciting, fun and meaningful and aims to inspire our children to become geographers and make a positive impact on the world around them.


Our intent is to continue to ensure a balance of core knowledge (facts, location, names, vocabulary) and a sense of place (senses, emotions, values, opinions) in order to develop a knowledge and understanding of real places as well as how people affect the environment and are influenced by it. through an inspiring and engaging curriculum we support children to acquire knowledge of a range of different cultures and traditions and learn tolerance and understanding of other people and environments.​


Where appropriate, our curriculum drivers (well-being, effective communication, creativity and expression and global responsibility) are woven throughout our Geography curriculum to enhance learning and promote positive attitudes to learning which reflects the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for life-long learning and success.   


Our termly topics are based on either history or geography and these topics are woven throughout the curriculum each term to create meaningful links between subjects. Through this, children can develop the concept of change over time, learn about global issues, trade and economics, people of the world and compare and contrast climates, environments and cultures.


Working in line with the national curriculum, at EYFS and KS, children focus initially on their personal and local geography before branching out to the wider world and explore the human and physical characteristics of different places, learn how to read and interpret maps, and develop subject specific vocabulary. 


At KS2, children consolidate their previous learning and begin to think geographically about the wider, changing world. Children develop location and contextual knowledge of globally significant places, investigate settlements, land use, economic activity, climate zones and use field work to observe, measure, and record using atlases and digital maps to extend their learning.


Our Geography curriculum is supported and extended through Forest School, which encourages children to develop fieldwork and observational skills by investigating the school and our local area, along with the human and physical features of the land.



Key documents

Geography concepts and vocabulary

Progression of skills

Curriculum overview



“She has really benefited from the different ages mixing, she often talks of the older children.

We feel all the staff know her, which is so special.” 

—  Name, Title

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